The effectiveness of listening to the Holy Quran to improve mental disorders and psychological well- being: Systematic review and meta-analysis([1](
Listening to the Quran is one of spiritual therapies that have been used for treating mental disorders. Many studies have been conducted to assess the effect of listening to the Quran on mental health and psychological wellbeing. Several reviews were conducted to summaries results of such evidence. However, they either focused on studies published in a certain country (Iran), focused on certain
setting (intensive care unit), or were written by Persian language. Moreover, none of them synthesized results of studies statistically.
The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of listening to the Quran to improve mental disorders and psychological well-being by summarizing and pooling the findings of previous literature.
A systematic review was conducted to accomplish this objective. The search sources included 6 bibliographic databases (e.g., MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINHAL), the search engine “Google Scholar”, and backward and forward reference list checking of the included studies and relevant reviews. Two reviewers independently carried out the study selection, data extraction, risk of bias assessment, and quality of evidence evaluation. Results of the included studies were synthesized narratively and statistically, as appropriate.
Of 1724 citations retrieved, 11 studies met the eligibility criteria. Of these studies, 7 were included in meta-analysis. The evidence showed that listening to the Quran is significantly effective in improving state anxiety, trait anxiety, general anxiety, depression, stress and mental health.
Listening to the Quran has the potential to improve mental disorders and psychological well-being. Until high-quality studies approve its effect, health professionals and individuals should consider listening to the Quran as a complementary therapy to already available interventions. Researchers should conduct further studies to compare the effectiveness of reciting and listening to the Quran and Al-Ruqya Al-Shariya with active interventions on mental disorders and psychological well-being among Muslims nd non-Muslims from different countries.